Today I went to a Pampered Chef party. I will be hosting a party because I do want a few things that I know will be used in my kitchen. It's also a good way to support another teacher in direct sales (: I was given a dessert recipe book as a reward for hosting, but I know I'll never use it! I barely know how to cook! Haha! I was proactive and gave it to my friend's mom who loves to bake. I'm just so glad I gave it away before it could stay unused in my home for years. I'm glad I know myself and am accepting that I'm not going to become a baker overnight. Perhaps when my cooking improves, I will move on to that. But even then, I'm glad I didn't keep it to hold onto in case I'll need it "one day." The old me would've also kept it simply because it was free. Yay for one small victory of beating clutter in my home! Minimalism really makes you think about what you actually use before you bring it into your life and home. You start ...