I already posted today, but something has popped into my head, something I'm struggling to accept: I can't keep everything my daughters' own.
My oldest is 13 and just finished maintaining her already decluttered room. She decided to take it a step further and removed her Teen Beach Movie posters from her walls. She also removed her Spider-Man poster that she's had since age two. She folded them and placed them in her closest, so she's not donating them yet, but it did make me so sad to see this stuff gone. She's growing up, and though I want to keep everything she's ever been into, something from every stage she's experienced, I have to accept that I can't. I am struggling with my 10 month old's stuff at the moment as well. Perhaps it's because I'm returning to work after taking the school year off for maternity leave, but seeing my daughter's almost bare walls made me sad.
She also handed me some books saying, "These can be donated, I've never read them," and I almost wanted to keep them, even though she doesn't even care about them!
The point is, I need to realize that I can't everything she wants to give away. This is her stuff and her choice. I will admit, I'll probably ask to keep the Spider-Man poster, but I have to accept and respect her choices of what she's ready to part with. This will be so hard, but I have to stay strong!
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