I've been really interested in simplifying everything we use, including what we use in our surroundings.
I've cut down on most things in the laundry room. I purchased some Norwex dryer balls two years ago and stopped using fabric softener. I tried using All Free & Clear, but found it would leave an odd smell to my clothes after.
I started using Seventh Generation Dishwasher detergent; I purchased it from Sprouts and it came in a box and is in loose powder form. It has lasted us quite a long time vs. the Sprouts pods we were using! We are very much all about saving money while using better products for our family, so I thought that if the dishwasher detergent was great deal, then I'd like to try the laundry detergent.
I looked up the company and they have a program called Generation Good that will let you try free samples if you give a review of their product after. So I reached out because I wanted to try them. I'm not getting paid or anything like that, I just like free stuff that I'll actually use immediately (so it won't be hoarded in my house).
I've cut down on most things in the laundry room. I purchased some Norwex dryer balls two years ago and stopped using fabric softener. I tried using All Free & Clear, but found it would leave an odd smell to my clothes after.
I started using Seventh Generation Dishwasher detergent; I purchased it from Sprouts and it came in a box and is in loose powder form. It has lasted us quite a long time vs. the Sprouts pods we were using! We are very much all about saving money while using better products for our family, so I thought that if the dishwasher detergent was great deal, then I'd like to try the laundry detergent.
I looked up the company and they have a program called Generation Good that will let you try free samples if you give a review of their product after. So I reached out because I wanted to try them. I'm not getting paid or anything like that, I just like free stuff that I'll actually use immediately (so it won't be hoarded in my house).
The delivery arrived with two packages, each having two pods samples: one package for you, one package for a friend.
I used the first pod on my daughter's reusable diapers. We use them when we are home to try and save some money. The pods did work well to get any stains out and dirty smells! The next pod was used on my teen's dirty laundry. She does her own laundry, so she just threw the pod in for her full load. She doesn't really get her clothes dirty with stains, but you know teens and their lovely smells. I only took a whiff after they were dry because she also folds her own laundry and puts it away, but the clothes were good to go! There wasn't any stinky smells. 😊
It arrived with a coupon, so I do need to investigate the cost of the product before using it. Full disclosure, I did recently become a Norwex consultant since I've used their products for years and it's going to help us get out of debt faster, but I will always use what's best for my family product wise with a great price. I was using Simply Co. laundry detergent for awhile, which is 60 loads for $20. My Norwex detergent was free, but if I reorder with my 35% discount come to 15.92 for 100 loads. I just looked up on my Thrive Market account and the Seventh Generation powder detergent (not in the pods) in 11.89 for 70 loads. The Norwex and Seventh Generation then come to about the same amount per load. If I were to buy the pods as the sample I received, the average price is $13 for 45 loads. I'd much rather use the loose powder to last longer, so that's something I will have to try on my own. 😊
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