We were supposed to pay off our second credit card during the month of the last time I wrote about it, but a car issue came up 😥We had to pull money from our emergency fund and then add money back to it so it would be full again.
Having an emergency fund is so important! Without it, we would have probably just charged the amount that was needed to fix the car.
Though it was delayed, it is nice to finally say that we have paid off credit card #2! Yayayayayay!
That leaves us with one card left, the car payment, my loan for service (will be paid off as long as I finish the school year off), and the mortgage of course.
I know I should be proud of how far we've come, but I feel a bit defeated whenever I look at the numbers of the amount left. I have to go back and add the extra interest fees that were paid along the way, but based solely on the numbers we started out with on our debt snowball paperwork, we are $8,202.57 down since May, and with three of those months we were only on one income since I was on maternity leave.
We've turned our debt snowball into an avalanche (though I know with an avalanche you pay the debt with the highest interest rate off first, but you know what I mean). We are paying everything we have left aside from basic living to our debt. I did mess up this month though. With the stresses of what happened to my daughter and the anxiety of leaving my baby, I caused our family to eat out a lot. 😐
We went from using $45 for eating out in August to $180 this month! Oh the shame! It was so easy to say, "Fuck it, lets order a pizza." I was trying to make up for the pain I was feeling and I had no motivation to cook anything. I'm still pretty sad, but I'm going to try so hard not to do this again this month.
I have to put a pause on decluttering my daughters' things because I had a panic attack about two dresses I gave away to friends now. They were understanding and are going to hold on to them for me. I was so embarrassed though. I know it's ridiculous, but my anxiety is very high. I'm going to continue to declutter my own stuff. I'm certain we've donated over 25 bags now and I know there is more I can get rid of that is mine, but I will wait to donate the girls' stuff until my anxiety subsides.
I really hope we make it to pay off everything by the house by next summer, but even more so I want my anxiety to chill out!
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