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We're debt free! We Paid Off $39,000 of Debt in A Year and a Half!

$39,359.38 to be exact!      In 2016, I took a year of maternity leave which forced our household to rely on one income. This was a big life alerting moment as we were barely making it. After looking at minimalism stuff for inspiration  to declutter, eventually I was lead to Dave Ramsey, which let us to enroll in Financial Peace University. We are now debt free and also have completed baby step three, which is having an emergency fund. Here is what we owed: Couch- $710.05 My daughter's saxophone: $1324.30 Credit card #1: $2166.17 Credit card #2: $4,009.05 Credit card #3: $9,833.40 Car: $18,072.65 Braces for Our Teen: $3,243.76  Since November 2018, we have been debt free!  We do have a house payment, but we can finally breathe a little! If we can do it, so can you! Communication is important! Here's some tips from a former blog I wrote that on how we were able to get out of debt . And to update, we did finally cut our cable! Thanks for...
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We own our car! Paid it off three years early!

Last May, when we lined up all of our debt, we had about $18,000 left to pay on our car. This was our largest debt, aside from the house, that we needed to pay off. Now, a year and a half later, we have finally paid our car off! I submitted the payment  from a different bank account with the payoff amount, but since it took a few days to process, 11 cents in interest was added. I am proud to say that I transferred that 11 cents from my checking on that account and paid the car off today!  I have learned from this car experience to NEVER buy new again! I didn't know that car value drops as soon as you leave the lot. Also, we paid so much in interest the last four years, we definitely overpaid for this car than we needed to. Lesson learned!  We only have one more debt left, my teen's braces with the remaining cost of $700, and then we will only have a mortgage payment! 

Decluttering Challenge Day 22-58

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When OCD prevents me from decluttering

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Decluttering Challenge Day 8-21

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